Title: The Fellini Variations
Piano concert with transcriptions, impro & variations

Live set: Piano

Mario Mariani – piano

Running time: 1 hour

The Fellini Variations is a tribute to the great Italian director with some of the best known and appreciated soundtracks of his films penned by his reference composer: Nino Rota.
The transcriptions on the piano by Mario Mariani, will be alternated to polystylistic variations and improvisations, taking again the sparkling, nostalgic and colorful world of the Fellini universe.

Mario Mariani creatively develops the practice of the prepared piano (interacting with the most varied objects – whisks, lines, marbles and more – used directly on the strings to express its infinite potential), enriching it with a “theatrical” and expressive sense, meaning the piano as a multitude of instruments, such as an orchestra.

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Mario Mariani – The Fellini Variations EN

Mario Mariani – The Fellini Variations IT